Mark Call Show

Mark Call Show Trailer Bonus Episode 110 Season 1

Special - Mark Call Daily News - Deep State Hit on Trump Exposed

News and commentary for Monday, 22 July, 2024.

And even though you won't (yet, and probably not for quite some time) hear it from the Waste-Stream Media...
...the Official Narrative is Dead - stick a fork in it.

The Deep State ordered a hit on the man they first tried to wiretap, then discredit, then steal re-election, and then Lawfare Persecute.  And that failed, too.

But now, their Woke DEI-fueled Incompetence may have become terminal.  

Virtually nobody - outside of criminals in and out of Big Brother and Big Medai - is buying their BS any more.

Be aware and Be WARY.

What is Mark Call Show?

Mark Call is an engineer, avid private pilot, radio amateur, and long-time talk show host, covering issues from law and economics to Scripture.