Rebeccamendations - Business, Love & Science.

This episode is for you if you need to be reminded of why giving up is not an option. Sam is the absolute embodiment of resilience, passion, mission and grit. This is an incredibly inspiring journey and yet it is only the beginning for Sam and her Skin Clinic Empire! 

In this episode we discuss:
- Sam's incredible story of why The Skin Bar exists 
- How her Childhood shaped her passion to help women and men be empowered with their skin and move away
from the injectables culture to smarter, safer, more incredible skin for long term and lifelong results.
- Bullying and resiliance
- The Grit and dedication it takes to run a small business as a single mother and turn that into an empire
- Hiring and Firing, and finding the right partners in business and all the mistakes and lessons along the way
- When success brings the wrong kind of people into your business, and how to navigate that.
- Claiming your authenticity and being a thought leader in your industry
- Leading with purpose
- Why you should never give up
- and so much more!

What is Rebeccamendations - Business, Love & Science. ?

Rebecca Veksler, host of this podcast is the founder of SoL Cups and has created 'Business, Love and Science'. A podcast which exists as a platform to dive into all the things she is deeply passionate about outside of sustainability… business, love, human behaviour, analytical psychology and everything to do with health on all fronts including neuroscience and mental health.

"I’m so honoured and grateful for the incredible network I’ve built over the last decade as I've built my company and experienced so much personal growth. Each episode I will personally interview some of the most important people in my life. From personal friendships, mentors, entrepreneurs and generally humans that have impacted my world with their inspiring stories support and intellect."

Everyone interviewed has achieved greatness, overcome adversity, accomplished unimaginable success and have an incredible story to tell.

Stay tuned for new episodes every Wednesday!