Working Out

We all go to conferences or listen to podcasts and nod along to the advice thinking 'That's a great idea, I must do that.' But then we don't do anything about it. We slump straight back into our familiar surroundings, when we should be taking action! This week we discuss why we don't follow through with things and how to optimise your environment to get better at doing it.

Show Notes

We all go to conferences or listen to podcasts and nod along to the advice thinking 'That's a great idea, I must do that.' But then we don't do anything about it. We slump straight back into our familiar surroundings, when we should be taking action! This week we discuss why we don't follow through with things and how to optimise your environment to get better at doing it.

What is Working Out?

Join Ashley Baxter and Paddy Donnelly on a journey to figure out how to create a business doing what you love. Is it possible to make a living from your hobby? On Working out, Ashley & Paddy discuss their own personal journeys in creating their passion-based business. This is about the expedition, the here and now, the daily challenges and achievements towards getting paid for your passion.