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Zero Ambitions Podcast
Episode 147
Season 1
A new way to measure performance, negative energy use, and learning from disaster zones, with Kate Crawford (KLH Sustainability)
Kate Crawford is a building nerd who is obsessed with measuring performance. She's currently, Technical Director at KLH Sustainability, a multidisciplinary consultancy working in the built environment.
Kate has a very interesting background in terms of her experience and she's now working on a very fascinating project in which she's researching and developing a "Smart Meter Enabled Thermal Energy Rating (SMETER)" system that uses a new approach to measuring building performance and a different kind of metric for assessing it.
The result has been something that they call "the snug factor", which is the heat-transfer coefficient of the building (Kate explains it all in the episode). The way they generate their heat-transfer coefficient has led to incredibly accurate estimations for energy use in a home.
Notes from the show
Kate has a very interesting background in terms of her experience and she's now working on a very fascinating project in which she's researching and developing a "Smart Meter Enabled Thermal Energy Rating (SMETER)" system that uses a new approach to measuring building performance and a different kind of metric for assessing it.
The result has been something that they call "the snug factor", which is the heat-transfer coefficient of the building (Kate explains it all in the episode). The way they generate their heat-transfer coefficient has led to incredibly accurate estimations for energy use in a home.
Notes from the show
- Kate Crawford on LinkedIn
- KLH Sustainability's website
- The research Jeff mentions about low pressure showers using more water
- Real performance and the HEM
- Real performance and the SAP
- Kate's little (and excellent) graphic novel on her experience of aid work
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.
- Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page
- Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications -; Everything is User Experience
- Subscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)
- Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon Upfront
- Join ACAN
- Join the AECB
- Join the IGBC
- Check out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women (but not in a patronizing way)