Coffee with Butterscotch: A Game Dev Comedy Podcast

Hello, Shenanites! In this episode, we discuss the great resignation, break points, and hooks and kickers. If someone doesn’t want the thing that you’re selling, instead of blaming that person, maybe you should reexamine your product and how you’re selling it. This goes for both game marketing and service industry jobs in late stage capitalism!

Show Notes

Hello, Shenanites! In this episode, we discuss the great resignation, break points, and hooks and kickers. If someone doesn’t want the thing that you’re selling, instead of blaming that person, maybe you should reexamine your product and how you’re selling it. This goes for both game marketing and service industry jobs in late stage capitalism!

Questions answered (abbreviated):

  • Flyhoppie Axerompa: I just noticed on steam you only have the basic Levelhead trailer, not the hilarious release trailer with the amazing voice acting. What was the logic behind that decision?

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What is Coffee with Butterscotch: A Game Dev Comedy Podcast?

Coffee with Butterscotch is the hilarity-filled official podcast of award-winning video game studio Butterscotch Shenanigans, best known for its smash hit Crashlands. Grab a drink and tune in every week to learn how video games are made and sold, our take on building a small company from scratch, and how to be an unstoppable problem-solving machine. Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at