Retail Remix

Although some use the words “membership” and “subscription” interchangeably, 64% of consumers believe there is a distinct difference in these types of programs. 
But what do consumers really expect from these commerce experiences? Retail TouchPoints and CI&T collaborated on a survey of 1,000+ consumers to find out. Melissa Minkow, author of the report, sits down with host Alicia Esposito to dig into some of the report’s key takeaways, including:  
  • How consumers differentiate membership models from subscription models;  
  • Which categories are seeing the most traction and why;  
  • How the economy is influencing the number of membership programs to which they subscribe; and  
  • The triggers that drive consumers to register (or leave) a membership program.  

Retail Strategy & Planning Series 2024

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What is Retail Remix?

The rules of retail are constantly changing. Today, we're in an exciting new era where brands can differentiate through experience and use technology to connect with customers in new and exciting ways. Retail Remix is a new podcast series brought to you by Retail TouchPoints, the industry's leading source for news, insights and research for all things customer experience. Every week, we sit down with someone who is helping put a new spin on the retail experience. Hear from the top practitioners, analysts and innovators in retail, and see what new engagement opportunities await.