What She Said!

Dr. Paula Gordon from Dense Breasts Canada, who is on a mission to detect as many breast cancers as possible in their early stages, joins me to share why Canada needs to follow in the footsteps of the United States and have women screened for breast cancer starting at 40.  

It may seem contrary to open a brick and mortar store in digital world, but Penny Light from Grit & Grace views her growing empire as a place for connection with a side of slow, thoughtful fashion. Penny joins me to share why she is pushing ahead with her stores and why you should check them out. 

Anne Brodie is here with new entertainment including a look at The Eight Mountains which follows the friendship of two men over forty years with the Italian Alps serving as the breathtaking background, and Master Gardener, and interesting and provocative tale with Joel Edgerton and Sigourney Weaver, and the lighthearted What’s Love Got to Do with It in theatres now. 

Aly Pain joins me to differentiate between boundaries and expectations when it comes to your teens, and why is so important to be clear with your boundaries and let the expectations go. 

There is great news for future and current PSWS and RPN’s with the BEGIN program. Dianne Martin, CEO of WeRPN joins me to share how this program provides eligible participants up to $10,000 per year in tuition funding in an effort to support retention and combat the provincial nursing shortage

Finally, Amy Jones has a new novel called Pebble and Dove, a captivating story set in a once-famous, now-abandoned aquarium-ship in Florida, and centered around the complex relationships between three generations of women and their shared connection with a manatee named Pebble. If you want to know how that all came together you need to stick around for the interview. 


Paula Gordon

Penny Light 

Anne Brodie

Aly Pain 

Dianne Martin

Amy Jones

What is What She Said!?

Candace Sampson hosts What She Said! This one hour show aims to inspire and uplift women by giving them a voice in pursuing their professional and personal goals through showcasing successful women, as well as those who support women’s interests, and by creating opportunities for others to do the same.