There's Another Way

Hello lovely souls!

And welcome back to the podcast: There's Another Way.
In this episode, Claire Sellers spills her secrets and her stories for successful biz and life and offers simple solutions for you to move into a more connected version of yourself.

We're diving into:

The power of connection and what this truly translates to.

How making a big leap isn't meant to be an A to Z thing.

Money and shiny object syndrome

Why the sacred masculine is necessary for any change and shift we desire in our life

Connect with Claire Sellers below:

Dm and connect with Claire on IG:  @claire_penelope


If you feel so attached and consumed in your mind, feel like nothing is working OR sometimes, maybe things are sort-of working, Holy + Wild is where I teach you the tools for energetic mastery.  
Because life is meant to be easy.  
Life is meant to be fun.  
And you are here on this earth to have impact, influence and receive your deepest desires because you know how to create it all from the inside out.

Early bird is currently ON.  Get it here:


What is There's Another Way?

Welcome to the podcast: There's Another Way, brought to you by your host, Meredith Cameron.

Meredith is a mentor, medium, and thought leader in the personal development realm.
Meredith has served a community of hundreds of women who have liberated their overthinking minds by learning somatic and energetic techniques. She teaches others how to be the creator of their everyday lives, use their body and intuition as guidance, and break free from societal programming that keeps us limited and small. On this show, you can expect to receive perspectives and insights that are a complete 180 from how the rest of the world operates so that you don't leave any untapped potential on the table. Not to mention, energetic conversations that will leave you buzzing. You are here to live a life of radiant and robust health, wealth, success and deep love.