Faith in the Time of Corona

Russell Brown is an insightful and experienced observer of the NZ media landscape. He’s a journalist, media commentator and atheist and we spoke about how he perceives the space for religion in the news. It was a poignant conversation, coming just two days after the announcement that Bauer Media were exiting the NZ market, leaving hundreds of people unemployed, continuing the shrink of media outlets.

Show Notes

Russell Brown is an independent journalist and media commentator. You can connect with Russell  and his work at and he’s on Twitter. I’d love to hear your stories and perspectives too, you can connect with me on Twitter
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This series was made with the support of New Zealand on Air as part of the Easter programming on Newstalk ZB.

What is Faith in the Time of Corona?

As the globe experiences a pandemic unlike anything in our recent history, the first wave of coronavirus infections is moving towards a peak, coinciding with some of the world’s most sacred religious festivals and celebrations; the Jewish Passover, the Christian Holy Week and Easter and the Muslim festival of Ramadan.

In times of suffering and uncertainty, it is often our religious practices and faith narratives that hold us together, forming a framework for grief and hope. Now, as we remain physically distant, our connection to the outside world and each other has become virtual as we cling to the news cycle to understand how this virus is progressing and when it might end.

When understanding our world and each other means understanding the religious nature of our most important rituals of life and death, what role does the voice of religion have in the media?

Tash McGill presents Faith in the Time of Corona, with Newstalk ZB.

This series was made with the support of NZ on Air as part of the Easter programming on Newstalk ZB.