Maury Blackman is CEO of Premise Data, a market intelligence platform that allows businesses to collect in-store insights in real time, thanks to a global network of 2.5 million contributors. The platform is used by many Global 2000 businesses to conduct retail audits and "mystery shopper" exercises. Especially during the pandemic, when brands can't send consultants into stores, the platform has been a lifeline for businesses looking to monitor shelf activity and even check on product "freshness" dates. Premise also pays its gig workers in bitcoin, if that is their preference.
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Retail Is Your Business is a weekly podcast covering the intersection of innovation/technology and business strategy in the world of retail (online and offline, across all industries) -- with a focus on consumer experience. As informed hosts dive deep with insiders -- from industry leaders to cutting edge startup founders -- crucial insights, career journeys, trends, new ideas, and the state and trajectory of the retail industry become accessible with a fun and comfortable morning radio vibe..