Kiké and Tony Clark dance around the idea of collusion, and let
Fanatics take the lead on talking about pants.
Robinson Canó heads to Mexico,
Matt heads back to the Bay, and
Brandon does what needs to be done. For Tampa Bay, Pottymouth completes her
Lowe brothers set and Patti remembers the fun of the WBC and picks
Paredes. Over at the Dodgers, Pottymouth goes with the flow and selects
James Outman, while Patti chooses
Diego Cartaya and his bodybuilder mom. Crosstraining Congratulations to Caitlin Clark for setting an NCAA scoring record, and cheers to Shohei for that whole getting married thing.
We name check the Brady Bunch and the Simpsons, and say “stare at some butts to see if they are transparent,” “I needed to fall off that pedestal,” and “I like how you made numerology recreational-drug related.” Fight the man, send your game balls
to Meredith, get boosted, and find us on Twitter
@ncibpodcast, on Facebook
@nocryinginbball, Instagram
@nocryinginbball and on the Interweb at Please take a moment to subscribe to the show, and
leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to NCiB. Become a
supporter at Patreon to help us keep doing what we do. Say goodnight, Pottymouth.