On Path

Jennine Heller is an executive coach who works with senior managers on being the most effective leaders they can be. In this episode we chat about her career path, from stumbling into studying CS, to starting (then selling) a company with no business experience, to finding her calling as a coach.

Show Notes

  Here are some relevant links from the conversation:  

  Show notes:  
  • 1:08 How life is two years into the pandemic
  • 2:50 Growing up at a half Jewish, half Puerto Rican household
  • 4:33 Studying Computer Science
  • 7:05 Getting a job
  • 9:16 A love for art
  • 10:19 Becoming a teacher in Malawi
  • 15:42 Staying in touch with family and friends
  • 17:49 The pre-internet, pre-smartphone experience
  • 18:57 Meeting her husband over ultimate frisbee
  • 21:14 Staring a company
  • 23:13 Selling her company
  • 26:07 The highs and lows of launching a venture
  • 27:39 Soft skills
  • 29:12 Finding her calling as an executive coach
  • 34:01 Coaching line managers vs managers of managers
  • 35:33 When do leaders look for a coach?
  • 37:33 What does a successful coaching engagement look like?
  • 40:48 The highs and lows of coaching
  • 43:55 Advice to herself when starting

What is On Path ?

With the On Path podcast you'll hear the behind-the-scenes of what got professionals in the technology sector to where they are today. These are the career and life stories that aren't captured on a LinkedIn or web profile. The twists and turns. The inspirations and influences. Hosted by Vijay Viswanathan.