Exit Five: B2B Marketing with Dave Gerhardt

Peep Laja is founderand CEO at Wynter and CXL.

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Metadata helps demand gen. marketers automate paid campaigns and drive more revenue. Learn why more B2B SaaS companies are using Metadata to grow revenue at Metadata.io.

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This episode of the Exit Five podcast is brought to you by our friends at Knak.  Launching an email or landing page in your marketing automation platform shouldn't feel like assembling an airplane mid flight with no instructions, but too often that's exactly how it feels.

No more having to stop midway through your campaign to fix something simple. Knack lets you work with your entire team in real time and stops you from having to fix things mid flight. Check them out at knak.com/exit-five/


Thanks to my friends at hatch.fm for producing this episode and handling all of the Exit Five podcast production.
  • They give you unlimited podcast editing and strategy for your B2B podcast.
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  • Visit hatch.fm to learn more

What is Exit Five: B2B Marketing with Dave Gerhardt?

Dave Gerhardt (Founder of Exit Five, former CMO) and guests help you grow your career in B2B marketing. Episodes include conversations with CMOs, marketing leaders, and subject matter experts across all aspects of modern B2B marketing: planning, strategy, operations, ABM, demand gen., product marketing, brand, content, social media, and more. Join 3,500+ members in our private community at exitfive.com.