Pearl Notes

In this episode we focused on Reconstruction, the Civil Rights Movement, and America today. Listen as we drive deep and break down the multiplying similarities between these time periods, and see what this can tell us about our present and immediate future.

What is Pearl Notes ?

Pearl Notes is an open forum, urban-minded, American talk show that knows neither conversational boundaries or norms. Each episode, Black Pearl & C-Note will offer up ideas, issues, current events, and mindsets that are affecting not only the minority communities in the United States, but people across the country. Mixing intelligent conversations with quick-witted banter, and unrepentant views, Pearl & C-Note, will present politics, religion, societal norms, and more through the eyes of those that either have different views or does not believe in them. By the end of each show, the viewers are allowed to make their own conclusions, now that they have been made more aware of the numerous differing, and sometimes similar, views that live within their community/society/nation, and the greater world.