Hey there! I'm Ash Roy, founder of Productive Insights. After 12 years of creating content, I'm sharing my best tips to help you build a killer content strategy. In this video, you'll learn:1. How to truly understand your audience (hint: it's not just about surveys)2. Why a content calendar is a game-changer (and you don't need fancy tools)3. The power of diversifying your content formats4. How to use AI tools like ChatGPT to analyze your audience and content performance5. The importance of documenting your journey, challenges and all6. How to systemize your creativity for better results7. My PRPR content repurposing framework 8. Tips for YouTube success, including the crucial role of thumbnails and titles9. How to promote affiliate products ethicallyWhether you're just starting out or looking to level up your content game, these strategies will help you build a brand your audience trusts and values.Links Mentioned:ClickUp - https://clickup.com/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVUtYXhuVTRkUlVsVFZGeFJYRkJNNFl6LUxPUXxBQ3Jtc0trUFIzakpPNGEwTkxOU1NFQTBPS1kwM0VfZjRvZHpjdFEyYkJIbE5FZmV4SzFheU5zOVNIR2NqU2sxMG9oVzQyeTdrN3V0VXV4ck9hSTQwQTE5WVE1WHBhM3NkV21LSXI3OEhaN1BkMVdBN0oyejVRMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fclickup.com%2F&v=-j93P_5mzK8)Trello - https://trello.com/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTR2ZU5HcGZfQ3ZvckRTSmg5T3g0anRPTjZHQXxBQ3Jtc0trcFZnaXd2V3Y5Wm5MYU1BbmNCSzIxVGhMNlA3ZHJyV05lY0FhZ2gyRDRpOE8wNnFEdmFfd04xc1hJRl9oa1dlajdFTlBwcmlZb3pXRDlvWXF2Y1lIR0JmVDRQM0kyUkE2MXV5OGpkMkVMSHhXX1UyMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftrello.com%2F&v=-j93P_5mzK8)Asana - https://asana.com/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUZQTnJzRGw5b3lhckUyN052SUVIaWRVb0pOQXxBQ3Jtc0ttOF9LN3VnUUR3aE9odENaekZKeGFVdnVrRWlFNFNLaG1lYTktQXNkbnNydzdkYlIydmpRbXN6SDZCRjkzNjlrZHFmNnlCVUVjZGx6QVRianNielpiOVBxbVE2NmtlMmxhOVA3UGNQQnMyWWVpdGRMcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fasana.com%2F&v=-j93P_5mzK8)Opus Pro - https://www.opus.
Hey there! I'm Ash Roy, founder of Productive Insights. After 12 years of creating content, I'm sharing my best tips to help you build a killer content strategy. In this video, you'll learn:
1. How to truly understand your audience (hint: it's not just about surveys)
2. Why a content calendar is a game-changer (and you don't need fancy tools)
3. The power of diversifying your content formats
4. How to use AI tools like ChatGPT to analyze your audience and content performance
5. The importance of documenting your journey, challenges and all
6. How to systemize your creativity for better results
7. My PRPR content repurposing framework
8. Tips for YouTube success, including the crucial role of thumbnails and titles
9. How to promote affiliate products ethically
Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your content game, these strategies will help you build a brand your audience trusts and values.
Links Mentioned:
ClickUp - https://clickup.com/
Trello - https://trello.com/
Asana - https://asana.com/
Opus Pro - https://www.opus.pro/
Descript - https://www.descript.com/
Timebolt - https://www.timebolt.io/
ChatGPT - https://chatgpt.com/
Instaflow 360 - https://amzn.to/3WZQ0uj
00:00 Introduction to Content Strategy
01:19 The Importance of Understanding Your Audience
01:42 Gathering Audience Insights: Surveys vs. One-on-One Conversations
03:14 Planning Ahead: The Power of a Content Calendar
04:11 Diversifying Content Formats
04:22 Leveraging AI Tools for Content Creation and Repurposing
05:22 Engaging with Your Audience and Building a Community
07:52 Systemizing Creativity and Repurposing Strategies
09:51 Final Tips and Recap
Are you a business owner looking to increase profitability through the growing power of ONLINE & CONTENT MARKETING?
The Productive Insights Podcast — the show notes of which you can access at https://www.ProductiveInsights.com/podcast — brings you brings you top entrepreneurs and shares actionable advice that can help you take your business to the next level. Some of the previously featured guests include: Ryan Deiss, Richard Lindner, Roland Frasier, and Marcus Murphy from Digital Marketer, James Schamko from Superfast Business, Neil Patel, Amy Porterfield, Ryan Levesque, Rand Fishkin from Moz, Jon Morrow the founder of Boost Blog Traffic, Brian Clark and Sonia Simone from Copyblogger, Noah Kagan from Appsumo, Molly Pittman, Ezra Firestone from Smart Marketer, Todd Herman — Author of The Alter Ego Effect, Mike Rhodes — a leading google adwords expert, and lots more!
Subscribe to this podcast to get the latest content designed to help you grow your business profitably using marketing automation, content marketing, mindset techniques and productivity tips.