Mark Call Show

This is a special week, beginning what will almost certainly be a "special" month, even if it ends up spectacularly Evil.

There have already been two massive, X-class, Earth-directed CMEs this week, arriving soon, and that may be just a harbinger of the fireworks intended to come.  Man-made or not.

It's also even a time when, calendar differences notwithstanding, most who read "Scripture-as-Written," will seek to celebrate, or 'remember' the Fall Feasts of YHVH.  And, likewise, the birth of our Messiah - even if 'the world' doesn't get it.  All of which means:
"It's OCTOBER --  Surprise!!!"</strong>

So pay attention.  And "be not deceived."

What is Mark Call Show?

Mark Call is an engineer, avid private pilot, radio amateur, and long-time talk show host, covering issues from law and economics to Scripture.