What happens when there is too much water promised to too many people? Whether you're a farmer, rancher, or part of a Tribal community, it's no exaggeration that your lives depend on the dwindling water resources in the Klamath River Basin. We speak to a visiting scholar and PhD Candidate Hannah Whitley about the complicated history of the area, the overlapping water use and land rights issues, and how communities are beginning to problem solve. While this research is specific to governance practices in the Klamath River Basin, it also serves as a test case that other communities can learn from because water issues in the west are just beginning.
Visiting Scholar - Penn State University
Guest: Hannah Whitley
Hosts: Adrian & Bryan
ID blog: https://blogs.oregonstate.edu/inspiration/2022/01/23/water-woes-of-the-west/
Inspiration Dissemination is an award-winning radio program that occurs Sunday nights at 7PM Pacific on KBVR Corvallis, 88.7FM. Each week on the program, we host a different graduate student worker from Oregon State University to talk about their lives and passion for research here at the university. By presenting these stories, we can present the diverse, human element of graduate research that is often hidden from the public view.
Please find us on social media!
Twitter: twitter.com/kbvrID
facebook: www.facebook.com/InspirationDissemination/
Blog: blogs.oregonstate.edu/inspiration/
Radio Station: www.orangemedianetwork.com/kbvr_fm
Host University: oregonstate.edu
This show was founded in 2012 by Joey Hulbert and Zhian Kamvar. It has been made possible by all the current and former hosts of the show, Orange Media Network, the KBVR-FM students and staff, and of course the amazing graduate students at Oregon State University.