Solo de Facto

Being yourself in a traditionally buttoned up industry can be difficult. That’s what attorneys face everyday, and they struggle with trying to market themselves and be unique. Today’s guest is here to help attorneys unbutton a little and be themselves. Jordan Ostroff, President of LegalEase Marketing, joins host Kory Underdown to talk about how being unique and showing your personality as an attorney can have more of a positive impact on your business than just being straightforward and bland. 
If you want to run a successful firm, you have to know your ideal client. Once you know who you want to target, everything else becomes easier to navigate.
If you have a couple of clients you really like working with, take them out to lunch or talk with them through zoom and get to know them, ask them about their life.
If you don’t have that kind of client, you can make one up. This is referred to as the Ideal Client Avatar, and you want to work with people that match that. 
You don’t have to be a stuffy attorney to get all the clients you want. The right clients will find you if you just be yourself and the clients know your interests and like you. 
A lot of attorneys don’t know what separates them from other attorneys in the area. It’s worthwhile to find what makes you unique and use that. 
Attorneys are considered to be very smart people, but when it comes to marketing that can be the biggest struggle they face because it’s all about being unique. 
COVID has shown that you don’t need to be in the office, or even in the same state to do work. 
Quote of the show:
6:09 “It's crazy to me that we kind of get this concept going through law school of being this really stuffy attorney, always wearing a suit, something along those lines. And then we get out there and we're trying to get cases and we look just like everybody else. And we sound just like everybody else.
And we're trying to be just like everybody. But when you really figure out about being you and what about you fits with the kind of law you're trying to practice, what about you fits with your ideal client?


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Show Notes

Being yourself in a traditionally buttoned up industry can be difficult. That’s what attorneys face everyday, and they struggle with trying to market themselves and be unique. Today’s guest is here to help attorneys unbutton a little and be themselves. Jordan Ostroff, President of LegalEase Marketing, joins host Kory Underdown to talk about how being unique and showing your personality as an attorney can have more of a positive impact on your business than just being straightforward and bland. 




  • If you want to run a successful firm, you have to know your ideal client. Once you know who you want to target, everything else becomes easier to navigate.
  • If you have a couple of clients you really like working with, take them out to lunch or talk with them through zoom and get to know them, ask them about their life.
  • If you don’t have that kind of client, you can make one up. This is referred to as the Ideal Client Avatar, and you want to work with people that match that. 
  • You don’t have to be a stuffy attorney to get all the clients you want. The right clients will find you if you just be yourself and the clients know your interests and like you. 
  • A lot of attorneys don’t know what separates them from other attorneys in the area. It’s worthwhile to find what makes you unique and use that. 
  • Attorneys are considered to be very smart people, but when it comes to marketing that can be the biggest struggle they face because it’s all about being unique. 
  • COVID has shown that you don’t need to be in the office, or even in the same state to do work. 



Quote of the show:


6:09 “It's crazy to me that we kind of get this concept going through law school of being this really stuffy attorney, always wearing a suit, something along those lines. And then we get out there and we're trying to get cases and we look just like everybody else. And we sound just like everybody else.

And we're trying to be just like everybody. But when you really figure out about being you and what about you fits with the kind of law you're trying to practice, what about you fits with your ideal client?


Ways to Tune in:

What is Solo de Facto?

Solo de Facto, hosted by Kory Underdown, dives deep into the business of running a surThriving solo practice. We are on the hunt for those game-changing nuggets of wisdom that you can take and implement into your own practice to take your firm to the next level.