Own The Moment: NBA Top Shot, NFL All Day, and Sports NFT Podcast

Marketing in Web3 and influencers are hot topics, often completely frowned up, but imperative to any good NFT project. We sat down with BenJammin (@xbenjamminx on Twitter) and talked about marketing, NFT influencers, his Bored Ape journey, NFT burn out, and how he has been able to turn investments and relationships into opportunities to help grow his brand. Also, CONGRATS! to Ben, his wife, and their two puppies who are expecting a baby on the way! Listen in to see how someone with passions, interests, and curiosity has turned investments into ways to be active in the Web3 space!

Show Notes

Marketing in Web3 and influencers are hot topics, often completely frowned up, but imperative to any good NFT project. We sat down with BenJammin (@xbenjamminx on Twitter) and talked about marketing, NFT influencers, his Bored Ape journey, NFT burn out, and how he has been able to turn investments and relationships into opportunities to help grow his brand. Also, CONGRATS! to Ben, his wife, and their two puppies who are expecting a baby on the way! Listen in to see how someone with passions, interests, and curiosity has turned investments into ways to be active in the Web3 space!

What is Own The Moment: NBA Top Shot, NFL All Day, and Sports NFT Podcast?

Listen to some of the sharpest degenerates talk about the latest news, trends, and strategies for investing in NBA Top Shot, NFL All Day, and other Sports NFTs.

Website: https://www.otmnft.com/
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