
Skip/Shuffle/Repeat Trailer Bonus Episode 3 Season 1

Ani DiFranco - Dilate (1996)

Ani DiFranco - Dilate (1996)Ani DiFranco - Dilate (1996)

Melody and Tara revisit Ani DiFranco's Dilate. 

Want to hear the music we talk about in each episode?  Check out the Top Songs & Bonus Tracks playlist for this episode on Spotify here.  Follow us on Spotify for playlists to every episode!

Skip/Shuffle/Repeat logo by Josh Stauffer (avoidohio).  Check out his website and show him some love!

What is Skip/Shuffle/Repeat?

A podcast about compact memories in jewel cases. Melody and Tara are exploring music and friendship through one of their favorite music artifacts: the compact disc. In each episode, they'll discuss a CD from Melody's expansive collection as they celebrate the sounds that shaped their lives.

Check out our Spotify for episode playlists: Skip/Shuffle/Repeat.

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