Demond Does

Happy Black History Month!  Had a programming snafu, so I wanted to make sure I gave you something of value this week.  Yes, it's late, but it's only late until the show comes out. The subject of today will be Robert S Abbot the editor and publisher of...

Show Notes

Happy Black History Month!  Had a programming snafu, so I wanted to make sure I gave you something of value this week.  Yes, it's late, but it's only late until the show comes out.

The subject of today will be Robert S Abbot the editor and publisher of the largest Black newspaper, The Chicago Defender.  It's an interesting story and I hope you enjoy it.  See you next week!

Questions, Comments or Suggestions?
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Music by DJ PRhyme

What is Demond Does?

Demond Does is where I do dope things with dope people such as:
The 6 Questions where the same 6 questions can tell a unique story,
U.S. Heroes where I talk about American heroes, of course.
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