Ahmet played music from the following musicians: İnci Çayırlı, İrem Derici, İstanbul Devlet Türk Müziği Topluluğu, İzel, Jehan Barbur, Kamurak Akkor, Kamuran Akkor, Kenan Doğulu, Kerem Görsev, Orhan Osman, Şevval Sam
Don't miss the recipe for a drink!
Also, in the news:
- Bodrum, Turkey's southwestern resort city on the Aegean, has become known for its diverse summer exhibitions.
- Midyat underground city, dating back hundreds of years ago, revealing its secrets.
- Excavations continue at Nerik, a 3500-hundred-year-old ancient Hittite city.
What is Turkish Cultural Program?
A program in English about music and culture of Turks, with a summary of newsworthy developments, hosted by Ahmet Toprak and Fuad Tokad