elsa podcast

In Episode 8 of the ELSA Podcast we discuss what the study tells us about the benefits of volunteering with James Nazroo from the University of Manchester, John Hannen from Ambition for Ageing and Oldham-based volunteer Pauline Coltman.  Read/Download a full transcript 

Show Notes

In Episode 8 of the ELSA Podcast we discuss what the study tells us about the benefits of volunteering with James Nazroo from the University of Manchester, John Hannen from Ambition for Ageing and Oldham-based volunteer Pauline Coltman. 

Read/Download a full transcript 

What is elsa podcast?

A podcast exploring how the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing is used in research, practice and policy to help us to better understand what happens to us as we age and how we can live longer, happier, healthier lives.