Making It: How to Be a Successful Online Entrepreneur

Drawing from his transformative journey, Jay Fairbrother shares how personal loss and early struggles shaped his path as an entrepreneur. With insights on masterminds and work-life balance, Jay reveals the power of human connection and resilience in making it through life’s ups and downs.

Making It! explores the lives and stories of entrepreneurs as they share their unique perspectives on their success and the path to making it. 

“The mistake a lot of people make is they keep hanging on to what got them there instead of evolving and adapting.” Jay Fairbrother 

Guest Bio:

Jay Fairbrother
is a serial entrepreneur, business coach, and mastermind guru with 30 years of experience starting, buying, and selling 7-figure businesses. Jay’s story includes losing EVERYTHING after the 2010 financial crisis and rising from the shame to shine as The Mastermind Guy.

His own participation in masterminds fueled his first business to $10 million annual revenues before selling it in 2004. During his crash and burn after the Great Recession, when he went from multi-millionaire living in a mansion to bankrupt and living in a friend’s basement, his mastermind tribe literally gave him purpose and kept him alive.

Jay has owned nine businesses in six different industries, and his success and massive failures are the fuel from which he imparts his wisdom around entrepreneurship, sales and marketing, and scaling businesses. His story is one of resiliency and reinvention.

Jay’s focus is on helping coaches, speakers, healers, and thought leaders create their own mastermind or hybrid programs to scale their business and deliver massive client transformations. His mission is to create more human connection on the planet... one mastermind at a time.

Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:

Jay’s website:


Producer and editing: Michi Lantz
Supervising Producer: Cynthia Lamb
Executive Producer: Danny Iny
Audio Editor: Marvin del Rosario
Music Soundscape: Chad Michael Snavely
Making our hosts sound great: Home Brew Audio

Music credits:

Track Title: The Sunniest Kids
Artist Name: Rhythm Scott
Writer Name: Scott Roush

Track Title: Love and Circumstance
Artist Name: Shimmer
Writer Name: Matthew Wigton

Track Title: Like Lavendar
Artist Name: Matt Wigton
Writer Name: Matthew Wigton

Special effects credits:

24990513_birds-chirping_by_promission used with permission of the author and under license by AudioJungle/Envato Market.

To catch the great episodes coming up on Making It, please follow us on Mirasee FM's YouTube channelor your favorite podcast player. And if you enjoyed the show, please leave us a comment or a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.

Episode transcript: Masterminding Success and Balance (Jay Fairbrother).

Creators & Guests

Jay Fairbrother
Marvin Del Rosario
Michi Lantz

What is Making It: How to Be a Successful Online Entrepreneur?

For most aspiring online entrepreneurs, “making it” means achieving success in your business. But what exactly is business success anyway? And how do outwardly successful online entrepreneurs define "making it"? Here at Mirasee FM, we wanted to find out, so we asked a group of diverse online business owners what success means to them. Their answers and insights surprised, moved, and inspired us. In this podcast, accomplished online entrepreneurs discuss what making it means to them, provide tips for online business success, and share important lessons on business and life that they have learned along the way.