Finding Demo Surf Fishing

The newest episode of Finding Demo Surf Fishing has dropped with Kids Can Fish!  We talk all about the 2024 Running Of The Bulls Tournament and also, catch up on what they are up to!  Tune in and I hope to see you at the tournament in October

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This Episode Is Sponsored ByKids Can Fish Foundation: Kids Can Fish is a state and federally-recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.  Their mission is to teach kids fishing fundamentals and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!   

Theme Song Dirty Rock by Twisterium

Mentions & Sponsors of the 2024 Running Of The Bulls Charity Redfish Tournament:

Cornerstone First Mortgage (Title)
Halyards Restaurant Group
Shoreline Marine
Rich Products
Phillips Wealth Management
Strike Zone Brunswick
Ag Pro
Four Horsemen Tackle
Cherokee Brick
Young Boats
Kona Ice
Active Pest Control
Tempest BBQ
Morningstar Marinas
Glacier Outdoor
Sinker Guy
Bandit Custom
Batson Enterprises
Finding Demo Surf Fishing Podcast
Fortress Marine Anchors
Village Creek Landing
Florida Fishing Products
Beyond Braid
DW Lures
Blue Frog Outfitters
Surf Fishing Solutions
Saltys Pompano Rigs
Harris Ace Hardware
Sea Island Forge
SSI Bait and Tackle
Promar and Ahi USA
Georgia Saltwater Adventures
Marsh Wear
DS Custom Tackle
Ninja Tackle
Bull Bay Tackle
Triangle Sport
Frogg Toggs

#findingdemosurffishing  #SurfFishing #FishingPodcast #AnglingPodcast #SaltwaterFishing #BeachFishing #Surfcasting #PodcastRecommendations #OutdoorPodcast #FishingCommunity #FishingTips #PodcastLife #CornerstoneFirstMortgage #HalyardsRestaurantGroup #ShorelineMarine #RichProducts #PhillipsWealthManagement #StrikeZoneBrunswick #AgPro #FourHorsemenTackle #CherokeeBrick #YoungBoats #KonaIce #ActivePestControl #TempestBBQ #Fishbites #Huk #MorningstarMarinas #GlacierOutdoor #SinkerGuy #BanditCustom #BatsonEnterprises #FortressMarineAnchors #VillageCreekLanding #FloridaFishingProducts #BeyondBraid #DWLures #BlueFrogOutfitters #SurfFishingSolutions #Bajio #Novateur #SaltysPompanoRigs #HarrisAceHardware #SeaIslandForge #SSIBaitAndTackle #PromarAndAhiUSA #Zebco #GeorgiaSaltwaterAdventures #Yeti #MarshWear #DSCustomTackle #Bote #NinjaTackle #BullBayTackle #TriangleSport #Bubba #FroggToggs

What is Finding Demo Surf Fishing?

Podcast by a Panhandle Surf Angler for all anglers of any level. We will talk weekly to guests that are anglers and also industry professionals. I want you to walk away from this podcast with some knowledge either refreshed or new for you to become a better angler. Though it will start in the Panhandle of Florida, it will be around the entire United States so we can all learn something about fishing in different regions.