Ask Rezzz

Being a freelancer for 15 years, I've learned a few tricks.

Knowing how to start the week off on the right foot, starts with planning Monday morning before Monday!

This is critical for me since I feel like if I don’t do my weekly review on Sundays, I’m lost. I feel behind on the week because my review is usually about an hour of time.

In this episode I walk you through my 10 steps to performing a weekly review so that you know your week starts off on the right foot.

Show Notes

Being a freelancer for 15 years, I've learned a few tricks. Knowing how to start the week off on the right foot, starts with planning Monday morning before Monday! This is critical for me since I feel like if I don’t do my weekly review on Sundays, I’m lost. I feel behind on the week because my review is usually about an hour of time. In this episode I walk you through my 10 steps to performing a weekly review so that you know your week starts off on the right foot.

What is Ask Rezzz?

You ask, I answer your web development and design business questions. 🚀 Struggling with a client? Want to build recurring revenue but unsure where to start? Feeling overwhelmed? Have a client that's always late? Want to get clients who respect you? This is the show for you 2 times a week.