The Book of Ezekiel: A Cross References Bible Study

The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 97

The Old Testament does not get great ratings. Most sermons, most bible study, most bible reading is centered around the New Testament. And that’s understandable. Testament means covenant. And we are, after all, in the New Covenant. 

But the OT still has something to say, and it says them on a level that you’ve probably never realized before. So if you’re somewhat familiar with the story of Israel in the Old Testament, you might know the stories of getting out of Egypt and the Wilderness Wanderings and taking the Promised Land. But did you know that Israel’s experiences during that time have a direct parallel to your Christian life?

It’ll make you reflect on where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going. And if you feel defeated, I’ll give you an answer for how to live victoriously. Learn all about it today on the Cross References podcast.

0:00 - Introduction to Typology

13:30 - Wilderness Typology

37:15 - Mailbag: CBDC still a few years away?

40:30 - Closing Thoughts

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Hosted by Luke Taylor

What is The Book of Ezekiel: A Cross References Bible Study?

Welcome to the Cross References podcast on the Book of Ezekiel. In this study, you learn how every small piece of the Bible tells one big story- and most importantly, how they all connect to the cross and Christ.

Whether you’re a newbie Christian or a veteran Bible reader, my goal is that God’s Word will make more sense to you after every episode.

Host: Luke Taylor