Transmitter 42

A cancer survivor tells us about the beneficial use of medical blood work, how some tests are very important, and how to get them if your doctor refuses your test request.

Logo image licensed from
Music licensed from Cloud City by Neon Beach.

Creators & Guests

John Huggins
Founder of Transmitter 42 LLC
Kimberley Huggins
Health scare survivor with much to say about turning her health around for the better.

What is Transmitter 42?

Welcome to discussion by business people, technologists, parents, youth, consumers, and citizens about topics from the highly technical, sports, and important issues that effect us all. Be it end-fed antennas, end zone touchdowns, end of days, we'll cover it. The current times are getting interesting as the world's leaders continue their experiments in science, technology and political theater. Join me and my guests as we broadcast on Transmitter 42.