The Sleuth

Although employee benefits aren't an exciting thing to talk about for most people, taking care of people and creating a safe environment that helps employees is beneficial for everyone.

Show Notes

Blackman Detective Services got to share a big win of really helping out a client in need in a situation where things could have gone bad very quickly.

Many businesses, although they might not understand it fully, is in the peace of mind business. Private investigators and employee benefits share this business.

We talk about the issues surrounding workman compensation fraud that affects both employees and small businesses. The most common types of workman's comp fraud are:
  • Injuries that didn't occur at work
  • False injury claims
  • Exaggerated injury claims
  • Old injury claims
  • Malingering

Chris shares stories from his experiences selling insurance of employers who could really have benefited from coverage and some funny stories of some absurd situations that they've run into.

The average workman compensation payout is $40,000. So it is imperative to take care of your employees, and many small business owners would not be able to survive the average worker's comp payout.

We shared the "Peanut payday" story from Blackman's newsletter about Mr. Brown slip and fall injury that he claimed prevented him from lifting. The employer called Blackman to investigate. 

What is The Sleuth?

The Sleuths are real private investigators here to help you find the truth when you need to know. With sometimes shocking, heartwarming, and hilarious stories from the field, they keep it real. Interviews with experts bring you insights on how people leverage P.I.'s in their lives and businesses. When you need to know, call the sleuths — licensed by the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Jamie hosts this entertaining and informative podcast to educate individuals and business owners.