Vets First Podcast

In this episode, Levi and Brandon discuss drug use with two Veterans who suffered from drug use disorders. Trever Siver and Henry Uken provide honest and gritty stories about their lowest points and recovery.

Show Notes

In this first part of the episode, podcast hosts, Levi and Brandon, interview army Veteran, Trever Siver. Trever candidly discusses trauma, mental health, and substance use. Trever recounts his childhood, time in the army as a cook, and his battle with addiction and journey to sobriety.

Trever was born and raised in Iowa. While in high school, Trever decided to join the army and served from 1999 to 2004, being stationed in Korea and Germany.  Trever survived multiple traumatic injuries where he was introduced to opiates to manage the pain, eventually leading to a long-term battle with substance use. With the support of Dr. Miller at the VA, Trever worked to overcome addiction and continues to receive services from the VA.
In the second part of the episode, hosts interview Levi’s hometown friend and army Veteran, Henry Uken. Henry speaks openly about his experiences in the army, the traumatic brain injuries he sustained during deployment and the symptoms he still experiences today. He also details his recovery with substance use disorder and mental health treatment after being discharged. 

Henry Uken grew up in Perry, Iowa with Levi Sowers. Henry served in army until May 2013, where he was deployed multiple times in both Iraq and Afghanistan. While serving, he sustained multiple blast injuries, resulting in traumatic brain injuries. After his discharge, Henry struggled with the change from military life into civilian life. Henry began using methamphetamine, which he identifies as a coping mechanism. He found a passion for disk golf, and his pursuit of the sport encouraged him to begin recovery. Henry is now in recovery and sober for two years. 
More than 1 in 10 Veterans are diagnosed with substance use disorders. Veterans Affairs provides substance use treatments for Veterans battling substance use problems. VA offers medication options, counseling and therapy services, and treatment for related health conditions to substance use. 

Substance abuse and suicide are significantly connected. Veterans managing substance use disorders are more than twice as likely to die by suicide than other Veterans. Individuals who struggle with substance use disorder are more likely to be depressed, engage in high-risk behaviors, and struggle with social and financial problems. Click the link to learn more about the connection between substance abuse and suicide. 

The VA is dedicated to supporting Veterans. VA offers mental health services for Veterans managing PTSD, depression, anxiety, Military Sexual Trauma (MST), etc. Veterans can receive counseling, therapy, and or medication treatment either in person or via the telemental health program. 

What is Vets First Podcast?

The Vets First podcast is a research-based podcast that focuses on the VA healthcare system and its patients. Instead of being just another research podcast, the Vets First podcast was created with a primary focus on the Veterans and their stories. The hosts, Levi Sowers PhD, and Brandon Rea work to bridge the gap between the state-of-the-art research being performed at Veterans Affairs and the Veterans themselves in an easy-to-understand manner. Importantly, Levi and Brandon want to assist researchers around the country to better understand the needs of Veterans. In this podcast you will hear interviews from Veterans with specific conditions and then hear from VA funded researchers who are studying those very topics as well as other highlighted services the VA provides.

The Department of Veterans Affairs does not endorse or officially sanction any entities that may be discussed in this podcast, nor any media, products or services they may provide.