Language & Travel Hacking

Language & Travel Hacking Trailer Bonus Episode 25 Season 1

Ask Benny: New "Language Hacking Mandarin" Book Release

Ask Benny: New "Language Hacking Mandarin" Book ReleaseAsk Benny: New "Language Hacking Mandarin" Book Release

This week Benny talks about his experience with Mandarin, and why it doesn't deserve its reputation of being a difficult language for native English speakers to learn. He explains that if you focus on speaking, and leave the Chinese characters to one side, there are actually a lot of things that make Mandarin less complicated than many other languages.

Benny discusses learning and teaching Mandarin with Northwestern University professor, Dr. LiCheng Gu in more detail in episode 85. Benny, Shannon Kennedy, and Dr Gu worked together to write the new "Language Hacking Mandarin" book, which is a fantastic resource for anyone wanting to make quick and effective progress speaking Chinese.

You can get a copy of "Language Hacking Mandarin" here.

To ask Benny a question, leave a comment on Instagram (@languagehacking) or Twitter (@fi3m), or you can email

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What is Language & Travel Hacking?

International best-selling author and nomadic polyglot Benny Lewis shares his real experiences and advice while on-the-road about travel and language learning. Learn more at: