The Ruby Blend

What was the inspiration for CodeFund?

Show Notes

  • Andrew Mason
  • Nate Hopkins
  • Eric Berry


Show Notes

[00:01:12] Eric tells us the story of how he found the inspiration for
 CodeFund as a company.
[00:09:24] Nate asks Eric what kind of resistance he had at the
 beginning from the developers that he was pitching his ideas to, and he
[00:12:35] If Eric condensed CodeFund's mission down to an elevator
 pitch, what would it be and how would he summarize it? He lets us know
 right here.
[00:13:05] Andrew is curious and asks Eric what were the signs that
 you realized it was time to bring in more people, specifically on the
 code side, and what was the motivating factor to bring in someone else?
 He gives a little bit of history behind it.
[00:20:28] Since Eric has taken on other responsibilities, Nate asks
 him to talk about the dopamine hits that he feels in taking on other
 roles as compared to development and also to talk about whether or not
 he's missed development and what the experience has been for him.
[00:28:38] Nate asks Eric if he's been able to get more into the code
 and if he's starting to experience some of that knowledge work, the
 dopamine hit from shipping code. He's got a great answer.
[00:32:38] Eric picks on Andrew here for a bit, but it's a rather nice
 kind of picking and you'll see why. Andrew chimes in as well.
[00:38:46] Nate is curious because it sounds like Eric may have hit a
 couple of interesting barriers as he was getting back into code. He asks
 Eric if he can touch on this. Apparently, he rediscovered that code can
 be hard too.
[00:41:38] Eric has something to say about anyone curious about
 developing on Windows. Also, Nate asks him if there was anything that
 stuck out as difficult on Windows for him and he tells us what was
[00:47:52] Eric says if you're not following Andrew on Twitter and
 GitHub then you really, really should, and he explains why.
[00:49:30] Eric has some great things to say to the guys to end the

Special Guest: Eric Berry. is now hosting an archive of the podcast for us. Learn how to start your own podcast!

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