The Extraordinary Globe of Tom Bobbajobski

Tom Bobbajobski's tales from his time in the Merchant Navy aboard the HMS Crumpet. Journeys of adventure the likes of which you've never heard before, nor are likely to again. 

Episode 4-Great Yarmouth 

Where Tom and his shipmates seek excitement while on shore leave. 

"Greetings landlubbers, it is I, Tom Bobbajobski here, regaling you with tales from my time in the Merchant Navy aboard the decrepit HMS Crumpet, transporting pointless and wasteful cargo across the globe.  Yes!  Before I found solace on my little grey ship in Lower Lake Huron, I was an ocean going mercenary!

And you know...there was a the east coast of England...I'm pretty sure it was in sweltering summer of seventy seven..."

Graphic by Anson Pavlov
Voice of Tom Bobbajobski

What is The Extraordinary Globe of Tom Bobbajobski?

Tom Bobbajobski's tales from his time in the Merchant Navy aboard the HMS Crumpet. From Marrakech to Mombasa, London to the Loire Valley, journeys of adventure the likes of which you've never heard before, nor are likely to again.