Riding The Wave

Tears will roll! In this week’s episode, longtime parents, Mo and host MJ continue on the topic of co-parenting and provide advice on lessons they’ve learned from their personal experiences when dealing with partners who have been both intentional and immature with their co-parenting approaches. 

It can be universally agreed that when one has a child, the child becomes the priority and the parents therefore must present the best versions of themselves to their child. Feelings will get hurt, challenges will be presented, and boundaries will be tested, but what matters most is putting one’s pride and ego aside. What happens, then, when parents continue to hold discordant opinions concerning how they believe their child should be raised and cared for? Join us in this episode as we talk about options such as taking matters to the court, the significance of being accommodating and communicative, and the importance of taking control of your emotions to channel your time and energy into your child. 

Riding the Wave puts our audience first. We want to hear your high and low tides. No judgment! DM us on Instagram @ridingthewave2024, and we will respond to your questions in a future show.

Creators & Guests

James "MJ" Escalera

What is Riding The Wave ?

Welcome to the Riding the Wave podcast, where we talk about the daily struggles we call life. In being a part of this community, we want to hear your high and low tides. With no judgment! The purpose of this podcast is to connect with our audience and try to put ourselves in your shoes. We are here to motivate to all our listeners but also give any of you Kings and Queens an opportunity to share your story. With unity, we can overcome any obstacle. The first step of overcoming challenges is to face them head-on. No more deflecting or hiding our pain with a smile. It's time for enlightenment. At Riding the Wave, we put YOU , the audience FIRST. Join us on this voyage and discover the pursuit of happiness.