10 Questions with 10 Pastors

In this first episode of a special season, 10 Questions with 10 Missionaries, Tyler is joined by missionary Kristen Lowry, International Orphan Care Consultant with Send Relief. Kristen shares her journey into missionary work, she inherited an orphanage and discovered that many children in orphanages actually had living parents. This revelation led her to focus on reuniting families, rescuing children from the streets, and changing mindsets about orphan care. She shares the unexpected lesson that she continually learns – the realization that she is not a savior and the importance of living with open hands.

If you would like to connect with Kristen or support Send Relief's efforts through the Families and Children's Fund, you can email children@sendrelief.org or klowry@shelteryetu.org or visit her website at www.shelteryetu.org

What is 10 Questions with 10 Pastors?

10 Questions with 10 Pastors is an interview podcast on preaching, ministry challenges, and more.

Host Tyler Sanders speaks with pastors about sermon strategy and preparation, the ups-and-downs of serving a church, and controversial topics like: Who has the best burger? In-n-Out or Five Guys?