Giant Steps ~ with Doug Van Dorn

Acclaimed Author/Novelist/Script Writer Brian Godawa takes us into the heart and soul of his work.  With a vast and wildly popular catalog of writings that span everything from fiction book series to Hollywood films, Brian shares with us, everything from where he draws inspiration to how he manages his writing process.  A must-listen for fans of his work and for those who wish to discover new and quality reality based fictional literature! 

What is Giant Steps ~ with Doug Van Dorn?

The Nephilim, Conspiracies, Fatherhood, Theology, Patriotism, and Rock Guitars! What do they all have in common? They are all GIGANTIC in their own rights! We talk about it all, we have opinions, we question it all, and gaslight is the enemy!

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
but the glory of kings is to search it out."
Proverbs 25:2