Questions of Courage

There is a deep feeling among many young people that economics and financial institutions need to be aligned with human values, justice, and solidarity. Is this possible? In this episode Michael Sandel’s book What Money Can’t Buy sets the context for an exploration of associative economics, a perspective on economics first formulated by Rudolf Steiner a century ago.

“B Lab Global Site.” Accessed August 25, 2023.
“GLS Bank - sozial, ökologisch, nachhaltig.”
Groh, Trauger, and Steven McFadden. Farms of Tomorrow Revisited. SteinerBooks, 1998.
Sandel, Michael J. What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012.
Steiner, Rudolf. Renewal of the Social Organism. SteinerBooks, 1985.
———. Rethinking Economics: Lectures and Seminars on World Economics. SteinerBooks, 2013.
Steuernagel, Armin. “Armin Steuernagel: Transforming Ownership to Create a Better Economy | Armin Steuernagel | TEDxZurich | TED Talk.”
Stiglitz, Joseph. “There Is No Invisible Hand.” The Guardian, December 20, 2002, sec. Education.

Questions of Courage is a project of the Youth Section at the Goetheanum, in collaboration with Goetheanum TV. To support the Youth Section Action Fund, please visit:

This project is made possible with the support and collaboration of Goetheanum TV. You can see these and more videos there - for a trial subscription, visit:

What is Questions of Courage?

“Questions of Courage” is a video/podcast with Nathaniel Williams, leader of the Youth Section at the Goetheanum. It is an independent and unique look at questions related to technology, education, art, ecology, vocation, community, justice and meaning require a deeper, spiritual take on life. The ability to take up these issues from this perspective is a question of courage.