Back to Work

As Baby Boomers continue to age out of the workforce in greater numbers, the presence and impact of Generation Z will only increase in the coming years. Estimates predict Gen Zers will occupy roughly 30% of the workforce by 2030. With this significant shift comes a host of new preferences, priorities and predispositions that organizations should be mindful of in order to attract, engage and retain this rapidly growing crop of talent.

On our latest episode of our Back to Work podcast series, J.T. O’Donnell, CEO and founder of Work It Daily, a career counseling and coaching platform joins the show to discuss this topic. J.T. explore the key insights, actionable strategies and expert advice organizations can leverage in order to develop and implement tailored recruitment efforts that resonate with Gen Zers.

Show Notes

As Baby Boomers continue to age out of the workforce in greater numbers, the presence and impact of Generation Z will only increase in the coming years. Estimates predict Gen Zers will occupy roughly 30% of the workforce by 2030. With this significant shift comes a host of new preferences, priorities and predispositions that organizations should be mindful of in order to attract, engage and retain this rapidly growing crop of talent.

On our latest episode of our Back to Work podcast series, J.T. O’Donnell, CEO and founder of Work It Daily, a career counseling and coaching platform joins the show to discuss this topic. J.T. explore the key insights, actionable strategies and expert advice organizations can leverage in order to develop and implement tailored recruitment efforts that resonate with Gen Zers.

What is Back to Work?

Back to Work is a podcast from Yoh, a leading international talent and outsourcing company. This podcast explores the challenges and opportunities of navigating the ever-changing work landscape and provides practical insights for employers and employees alike. Each episode features expert interviews, thought-provoking discussions, and actionable strategies to enhance workplace productivity. From adapting to new technologies and remote work practices to managing team dynamics and fostering a positive work culture, we cover relevant topics for today's talent professionals.