Good News for Today

Two members of Providence Church in Pasadena, Texas haven’t been there for weeks. But that hasn’t stopped the church from praying for them.
Barry “Butch” Wilmore and Tracy Dyson are astronauts who are currently working aboard the International Space Station.
Dyson’s tenure on the ISS runs through September. Wilmore is waiting to catch a ride home the Boeing module currently undergoing tests while docked to the floating science lab.
Through the marvels of technology, the pair were able to join their church on Sunday morning recently via video call. 
Both say they’re grateful their church family is lifting them up to the One who created the heavens and the Earth.
A pastor’s resumé might include multiple churches and ministry roles, but most won’t have much non-ministry experience listed.
Most current U.S. Protestant senior pastors worked outside of ministry as adults for only a short time, according to a Lifeway Research study. Only 3 in 10, however, began vocational ministry as the senior pastor.
“A person’s journey to the pastorate can happen at almost any age, but the majority of pastors are in a ministry job by their early 30s,” said Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research. 
Most senior pastors didn’t step immediately into a lead pastor role as their first ministry position. Seven in 10 started somewhere else in the church. On average senior pastors two other ministry roles before their current position as a senior pastor.
Jacki C. King says, “Leaders who embrace their humanity are better equipped to lead effectively. Acknowledging weaknesses and seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness. Building a strong team and delegating responsibilities can also help alleviate the burden of leadership.
It’s also important for leaders to prioritize self-care. This includes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In an often isolating and high-stress role, confession, repentance, and community are still factors for the Christian life that we have to fight for.”
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