Crimes, Conspiracies and Beyond

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. In #mythology, #folklore and speculative fiction, shape-shifting is the ability to physically transform oneself through an inherently #superhuman ability, divine intervention, #demonicmanipulation #sorcery, spells or having inherited the ability. The idea of shape-shifting is in the oldest forms of #totemism and #shamanism as well as the oldest existent literature and epic poems such as the #EpicofGilgamesh and the Iliad. The concept remains a common literary device in modern fantasy, children's literature and popular culture. Could #shapeshirfters be real? 

What is Crimes, Conspiracies and Beyond?

Check out the newest CMG podcast hosted by Todd and Jetai- Crimes, Conspiracies and Beyond! They delve into the wildest conspiracies, crimes and whatever else is in the news, with expert guests, live video, and more.