KickoffLabs On Growth

Josh and Scott discus how KickoffLabs got started, why it's bootstrapped, how we prioritized our personal and business lives, and what keeps us motivated 8 years in.

Show Notes

Key Takeaways:

Flip the script! Design a business with a revenue stream that supports your life and not a life that supports a business.

Bootstrap for freedom

No one gives you 20 million in funding without some sort of strings and expectations attached.

Understand your personal priorities

If it's important for you to spend time with your family then make sure your business is setup to support that as a founding principle.

Turn practicality into a strength

Eliminate debt. Save money in advance. Set goals and have a fallback plan, but don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.

Make money talk

If someone says they need a feature and are willing to pay for it's development... then others might too.

Keep your partner in the Loop

Consider your partner as an investor in your business that needs to be kept abreast of how things are going. Be open.

Your time isn't free

It may look like your business is making money... but can it afford to pay you what you're worth?

Read the full transcript here:

What is KickoffLabs On Growth?

KickoffLabs On Growth is a podcast aimed to help you launch and grow your business. We’ll share our own stories and feature interviews with successful startup founders and marketing experts.