Mindful Online Gym

Take a cooler, thank others for their food, avoid stress, anxiety, social eating, don’t give up if you are less than perfect at one meal or if you fail, stay connected and focus on your outcome.

Show Notes

Eating during the holidays: planning healthy snacks. 

Take a cooler, thank others for their food, avoid stress, anxiety, social eating, don’t give up if you are less than perfect at one meal or if you fail, stay connected and focus on your outcome.

Tips while traveling: check on body position, stretching during long flights, carrying stuff.

Join my virtual retreat on February 26th from 10AM to 1PM PST here!: https://mindfulonlinegym.com/mog-virtual-retreat/

What is Mindful Online Gym?

In today’s world there is a lot of information readily at our fingertips, but how can we know which information we can trust that has been vetted?

This is one thing we are excited to cover with our Mindful Online Gym live podcast.

As health and wellness experts we want our podcast to help you learn valuable and useful information.

Among other many things we will discuss, one important one will be how to separate health and fitness truths from myths.

A major red flag is if the information you are getting gives you an absolute, such as you must absolutely always do this or never do this again, then it is likely not very factual nor advice.

Everybody and every body is different, we want to help you become more aware of your internal compass so that you can transform your body and mind.