The Banana Stand Podcast

Lindsay almost follows through while supporting a cause, Gob's magic stunt fails.... again, Buster falls in love with another Lucille, and Michael almost stabs Gob in the back.. until he actually is. It's a review of Season 1 Episode 4 of Arrested Development: Key Decisions.

Show Notes

Key Decisions Ep 4

Gob upstages his girlfriend by announcing he’ll break out of the prison where his father is serving time, and Michael steps up for Marta. Lindsay rejects Johnny Bark because he’s gross, and she doesn’t get how nature works. Buster accidentally falls for Lucille 2.

Gob in prison as publicity stunt
Catch with George
Stabbed and started

Johnny Bark-thats why you don’t leave the tree. Lindsay doesn’t get how nature works.

Michael-Marta.. so in sync on so many things... Gob stabbed in back. Literally:

Lucille Austero has point hair

Lucille Bluth: no hospital bar.. This is why people hate hospitals

Gob: I’ve made a huge mistake

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What is The Banana Stand Podcast ?

This is the story of a father.. who started watching Arrested Development in 2003, finished it in 2019, and now gets schooled by his daughter.. who watched the entire series multiple times, before he finally got to Season 5. It's the Banana Stand Podcast... because.. there is always money in the Banana Stand.