Honeys' on the Money

Family planning—two words that hold the promise of dreams, order, and (hopefully) less drama. Family planning methods are like tools in a toolkit—each has its purpose, strengths, and quirks. The methods available are like a buffet at an all-you-can-eat restaurant: there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re a planner, a free spirit, or somewhere in between, there’s a method (or combo) that fits your vibe.

So, embrace the journey with humor, curiosity, and maybe a backup plan. After all, family planning isn’t just about avoiding surprises—it’s about creating the life you want, one method at a time.

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@honeys’on the money

What is Honeys' on the Money?

This is a podcast that paints a picture for the gentle women out there: the issues we face as women with all our success and challenges in career (read money), marriage and motherhood. The aim here is to talk crap while solving problems because WHY NOT? Life is too stressful to be serious all the time. Join in on the fun and let’s put a smile on that face.