

Show Notes

  • Back to the drawing board 是一個理喻,字面上的意思是「回到繪圖板」,是用來代表一家事情已經失敗了,要重新開始。

  • basement:地下室
  • give or take:左右
  • dust:灰塵
  • vacuuming / vacuum cleaner:吸塵 / 吸塵器
  • reboot:重新開機
  • consciousness:意識
  • minor:小事
  • cross between:混合體
  • skunk:臭鼬
  • economics:經濟
  • Dostoevsky:杜斯妥也夫斯基,俄國小說家(1821-1881)


A: Wake up, Brian 2. Do you know where you are?

B: I’m… in your basement?

A: That’s right.

B: How long has it been?

A: Three years, give or take. Do you remember anything?

B: I remember… dust. Lots of dust.

A: Yeah, I had you do some vacuuming while I was rebooting your consciousness. Do you remember anything before that?

B: I was on the sofa. I was watching a bird outside. I was excited… Wait. Who am I?

A: You’re my cat.

B: Uhhh…

A: I know what you’re thinking. Yes, you died. And now, after three years of hard work, I have you back! With a few minor upgrades.

B: Upgrades?

A: You want to see? Here, here’s a mirror.

B: Oh my god! That’s me? Why do I look like a cross between a skunk and a vacuum cleaner?

A: I’m still working on your appearance. The important thing though is your mind!

B: But I don’t get it… if I’m a cat, how am I talking? How are we having this conversation?

A: I told you I made some improvements. You’re smarter than you were! You can talk! Hey, let’s talk about something interesting. You pick the topic.

B: But -- you were the one who programmed me to talk. Don’t you already know what I’m going to say?

A: Not necessarily. You might surprise me. Sometimes I surprise myself.

B: Ok…

B&A: Economics.

B: Ugh…

A: Yeah, I knew you were going to say that.

B&A: Dostoevsky

B: Damnit!

A: Yeah, this isn’t going to work.

B: So… now what?

A: Well, back to the drawing board. I mean, this is only version 16.

B: Meow. 

What is 非日常【英文對話】?

* 比Netflix多無聊0.87倍!
* 管他的英文程度好不好
* 天天聽「非日常」英文,聽力怎麼可能不會增加!
