The European Startup Show

My guest today is Deepali Nangia, Atomico Angel and a Venture Partner at Speedinvest. Deepali is an advisor to female founders and an angel investor with a keen interest in digital health, femtech, and sustainability. Most recently, Deepali was named UKBAA's Angel Investor of the Year." In our chat today, Deepali and I discuss the landscape in Europe for women founders, the biggest barriers women face to attracting funding and the most common mistakes she sees when women are pitching their ideas for funding. She also shares some practical advice on when to look for angel funding and how to find angels focused in your space.

Show Notes

  • [1:59] How did you come to focus on women-led businesses?
  • [3:20] What do you think Europe has done to encourage women-led businesses and what more can be done?
  • [5:06] What are the main barriers women face in attracting investments?
  • [7:32] From an investor perspective, how do you balance the business objectives of revenues and scale when the founder is considering starting or expanding their family?
  • [9:08] Do you see more women-led businesses coming out of specific parts of Europe?
  • [12:27] What do women founders and companies looking for VC money have to do differently in the current environment? What are you looking for as an investor?
  • [15:38] Tell me about a case where you missed investing in something - what happened and what did you learn from it?
  • [17:07] When should women look for angel investors? 
  • [20:36] How do you find angels who know your space?
  • [23:01] How long does the due diligence stage take? 
  • [23:50] Do you feel angel investing for small ticket amounts and really early stages has decreased?

What is The European Startup Show?

To inspire technology entrepreneurs in Europe with stories and practical strategies from other successful entrepreneurs.

If you are a CEO, founder, or work in sales or marketing, and your company is based in Europe or is looking to expand into Europe, then this podcast is for you.