These are extraordinary times we’re living in and while we don’t know what the future holds, I do know it’s our passions and hobbies - such as fly fishing - that can help keep us sane.
Now more than ever we need nature, the outdoors and a return to what we hold most dear.
On this week’s episode, it’s all about streamer fishing and how and why you should be trying it and not just when the river is in flood.
Keith McDonnell, aka, is an advanced fly casting instructor based in Dublin who is now committed almost completely to the pursuit of big trout with streamers.
I spoke to Keith about how his passion for this method came about and also get some tips and advice if you're looking to try it.
Ireland on the Fly is the podcast about the people and places of fly fishing in Ireland.
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Ireland on the Fly is produced by LastCastMedia ( .
The Ireland on the Fly podcast is about the people and places of fly fishing in Ireland.
From salmon and sea trout to brown trout, bass and pike, the show looks at the future and tradition of the sport.
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