SHOUT! For Libraries

Gifting library books is maybe not the best practice, so join us as we get ready for the holiday season by talking with two independent bookstores in amiskwacîwâskahikan: Julie and Moriah from Magpie Books and Ben and Celine from Paper Birch Books. 

Theme Song
Music: Vlad Gluschenko – Forest
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Production Credits
Natasha D’Amours, Emily Jensen, Jennie McCurdy, Brett Sheehan, Ethan Tonack, and Andy Zhang

Music Credits:
Magpie to the Morning by Neko Case 
Chanson de Clara by Michel Jonasz

What is SHOUT! For Libraries?

SHOUT! For Libraries is a show on CJSR 88.5 FM about the topics affecting libraries around the world. Each month, students from the University of Alberta’s School of Library and Information Studies take an in-depth look at the serious issues that matter to librarians, like censorship, diversity, and… romance novels.

Find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for timely updates and more information!