The Audience Explorer

Today's guest is Brendan McAdams from Baltimore. He's a co-founder of Expertscape, a start-up in the healthcare domain. He's also an expert in sales, and he coaches startups in how to sell well. As if that wasn't enough, he's a book author who currently develops a special audience for his second book.

Show Notes

Listen to Brendan's story how he got to work with his first audience and about his perspective on what good salespeople should do and not do.

Enjoy listening to the interview!

Read the transcript of the podcast here, and see what was mentioned in the episode:

Links mentioned in the podcast:
- Expertscape

How to reach Brendan:
- Twitter - 
- LinkedIn - 
- Website and blog -
- YouTube - 
- Amazon -

What is The Audience Explorer?

Founders and Indie Creators: How to find the audience for whom you build your product – and what to do when you meet them!