The MOVE Against Cancer Podcast

In this episode, Sophie chats to Simon Darby MBE and Mark Adams. Simon has been a Young Lives vs Cancer Social Worker for 12 years and founded the MOVE Forward Programme in Northern Ireland, which is a CrossFit based exercise programme for young adults living beyond cancer.
This is an incredibly inspiring and uplifting chat and shows just how powerful exercise can be in changing the lives of those living with and beyond cancer. Find out more about MOVE Forward:

Simon Darby
Insta: @crossfitmoveforward @simon.younglives
Young Lives vs Cancer Social Work Manager- Northern Ireland
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
Founder of CrossFit MOVE Forward
Adaptive and Inclusive Trainer

Mark Adams
Insta: @mark_adams_weightlifting_coach @mark__cf
CrossFit Level 1 trainer 
British weightlifting level 1 and 2 coach

Visit our website and social media channels to find out more about what we do.
Insta: @5kyourway
Twitter: @cancer5kYourWay

What is The MOVE Against Cancer Podcast?

Welcome to the Move Against Cancer Podcast.

This podcast aspires to support and inspire people to move, exercise and live an active and fulfilling life despite a cancer diagnosis. We share the stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

We know that many people are scared to stay active during cancer treatment. We know that for some, cancer can take away the hope that comes from dreaming of a future. And we know many people diagnosed with cancer feel isolated and lonely.

We hope that by sharing the stories of others finding their own way through cancer, the Move Against Cancer podcast will provide hope, support and a sense of empowerment to anyone living with or beyond cancer.

Unfortunately, cancer will affect everyone either personally or through our loved ones and so whatever position you are in we hope you will learn and be inspired by our podcast. Thank you so much for listening.